Sunday 20 May 2012


The human brain isn't the prettiest of sights. It's made of approximately 100 billion nerve cells called neurons. The cortex, or outer covering, can be seen here, and is folded to allow the large surface area of the brain to fit in the skull.

The average human brain is about 2 percent of body weight and is typically beige, pink and off-white in color.

There are four main lobes on the exterior of the brain: 
frontal (thoughts), temporal (smell and sound), parietal (sense processing) and occipital (sight). 

An underside view of the brain showing lobes and also the pons that relays brain signals, the cerebellum that handles motor control and the olfactory bulb that assists in the perception of odors.

If you were to slice the brain in half, you would see these internal parts :

The corpus callosum plays the important role of connecting the left and right cerebral hemispheres. The anterior commissure is part of the path for pain, the midbrain is a part of the central nervous system and the medula deals with autonomic, involuntary functions such as breathing and heart rate. See the next page to view a real half of a human brain.

The cingulate sulcus is a brain fold. 

Brain neurons contain a cell body, an axon, or cable-like projection, and dendrites, 
which are nerve endings. 

Neurons have different shapes depending on their functions. Interneurons carry information between motor and sensory neurons. Sensory neurons carry information to the central nervous system. Motoneurons carry signals from the central nervous system to the muscles, skin, and glands and pyramidal neurons are involved with motor control and cognitive ability. 

A colored MRI scan of the brain, with the brain stem in the lower right in blue. 
The brain stem regulates the central nervous system, sleep cycles and cardiac and respiratory function. 

Note : From General Knowledge Face Book : Top 10 Brain Damaging Habits :-

1.   No Breakfast : People who do not take breakfast are going to have a lower blood sugar level. This 
      leads to an insufficient supply of nutrients to the brain causing brain degeneration.

2.   Overeating  :  It causes hardening of the brain arteries, leading to a decrease in mental power.

3.   Smoking  :  It causes multiple brain shrinkage and may lead to Alzheimer disease.

4.   High Sugar Consumption : will interrupt the absorption of proteins and nutrients causing 
      malnutrition and may interfere with brain development.

5.   Air Pollution  :  The brain is the largest oxygen consumer in our body. Inhaling polluted air 
      decreases the supply of oxygen to the brain, bringing about a decrease in brainefficiency .

6.   Sleep Deprivation : Sleep allows our brain to rest. Long term deprivation from sleep will 
      acceleratethe death of brain cells.

7.   Head Covered While Sleeping  :  Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of 
      carbon dioxide and decrease concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

8.   Working Your Brain During Illness  :  Working hard or studying with sickness may lead to a 
      decrease in effectiveness of the brain as well as damage the brain.

9.  Lacking in Stimulating Thoughts :  Thinking is the best way to train our brain, lacking in brain 
     stimulation thoughts may cause brain shrinkage.

10. Talking Rarely :  Intellectual conversations will promote the efficiency of the brain.

Note : 14 Simple Ways to Super Charge Your Brain : -

1) Eat Almonds

Almond is believed to improve memory. If a combination of almond oil and milk is taken together before going to bed or after getting up at morning, it strengthens our memory power. Almond milk is prepared by crushing the almonds without the outer cover and adding water and sugar to it.

2) Drink Apple Juice

Research from the University of Massachusetts Lowell (UML) indicates that apple juice increases the production of the essential neurotransmitte r acetylcholine in the brain, resulting in an increased memory power.

3) Sleep well

Research indicates that the long-term memory is consolidated during sleep by replaying the images of the experiences of the day. These repeated playbacks program the subconscious mind to store these images and other related information.

4) Enjoy simple Pleasures

Stress drains our brainpower. A stress-ridden mind consumes much of our memory resources to leave us with a feeble mind. Make a habit to engage yourself in few simple pleasures everyday to dissolve stress from your mind. Some of these simple pleasures are good for your mind, body and soul.

5) Fast for a day

Fasting cleans and detoxifies our body. It is known fact that heavy food not only causes stress on our digestive system but also drains our brainpower. Fasting relieves toxic emotions such as anger, grief, worry, and fears - before they accumulate and cause disease. By cleansing toxic emotions, fasting strengthens metal clarity with increases memory, concentration, creativity and insight.

6) Exercise your mind

Just as physical exercise is essential for a strong body, mental exercise is equally essential for a sharp and agile mind. Have you noticed that children have far superior brainpower than an adult does? Children have playful minds. A playful mind exhibits superior memory power. Engage in some of the activities that require your mind to remain active and playful.

7) Practice Yoga or Meditation

Yoga or Meditation relives stress. Stress is a known memory buster. With less stress, lower blood pressure, slower respiration, slower metabolism, and released muscle tension follows. All of these factors contribute significantly towards increases in our brainpower.

8) Reduce Sugar intake

Sugar is a non-food. It’s a form of carbohydrate that offers illusionary energy, only to cause a downhill slump once the initial burst has been worn off. Excess intake of sugar results in neurotic symptoms. Excess sugar is known to cause claustrophobia, memory loss and other neurotic disorders. Eat food without adding sugar. Stay away from sweet drinks or excess consumption of caffeine with sugar.

9) Eat whole wheat

The whole wheat germs contain lecithin. Lecithin helps ease the problem of thehardening of the arteries, which often impairs brain functioning.

10) Eat a light meal in the night

A heavy meal at night causes tossing and turning and a prolonged emotional stress while at sleep. Eating a light meal with some fruits allows us to sleep well. A good night sleep strengthens our brainpower.

11) Develop imagination

Greeks mastered the principle of imagination and association to memorize everything. This technique requires one to develop a vivid and colorful imagination that can be linked to a known object. If you involve all your senses - touching, feeling, smelling, hearing and seeing in the imagination process, youcan remember greater details of the event.

12) Sex

Our sexual imagination often empowers our ability to daydream, which strengthens our brainpower with greater imagination, visualization and association.

13) Control your temper

Bleached food, excess of starch or excess of white bread can lead to nerve grating effect. This results in a violent and some time depressive behavior. Eat fresh vegetables. Drink lots of water and meditate or practice yoga to relieve these toxic emotions of temper and violent mood swings.

14) Take Vitamin B-complex

Vitamin B-complex strengthens memory power. Eat food and vegetables high in Vitamin B-complex. Stay away from the starch food or white bread, which depletes the Vitamin B-complex necessary for a healthy mind.

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