Wednesday 2 May 2012

Dr. Oz's 7-Day Anti-Aging Checklist

The secrets to looking more youthful and feeling more energized may be closer and more affordable than you think. One week will get you started down the path to a more healthful future. Don't limit yourself to just Sundays, Mondays or Fridays – these daily tips are healthy habits that you can keep for life.

You can start living a better life today. Consider this a quick guide to help you jumpstart your anti-aging routine. If you don't begin on Sunday, pick up where you can – just be sure to cover all your bases. Remember: Each tip is perfect for every day of the week.

Sunday: Shop for Beauty

Get ready for the week ahead by stocking your fridge with foods that have proven health and beauty benefits. These foods are easy to incorporate into your diet, and by shopping on Sunday, you'll be able to ease into a new beauty routine despite the hustle and bustle of the busy week ahead.

 ~  Low-fat cottage cheese is rich in protein, which is excellent for hair health, as hair is mostly made of protein.

~  The selenium in cod has skin-saving properties; it can help protect against sunburn and skin cancer.

~  Lean beef is rich in iron, which helps strengthen nails. Iron deficiencies can cause the nail bed to become thin and concave. Limit your intake of red meat to just once a week.

~  The vitamin C in mangoes can help prevent periodontal disease. One mango can give you 96% of your daily vitamin C needs.

Monday: Supplements to Fight Aging
Start off the week by starting a new health regimen: getting the right supplements. Split your supplement intake into two doses, once in the morning and once at night; this will aid your body in getting the maximum absorption. These 4 supplements are proven anti-agers:

~  Vitamin D3, Dosage: 1000 IU
Vitamin D3 turns on the gene that helps you get rid of abnormal DNA – and can help prevent heart disease and cancer. Vitamin D also helps to boost immune function and lower inflammation. For more information on why Vitamin D is one of Dr. Oz's top supplements to take, click here.

~  Calcium, Dosage: 600 mg
Calcium is intrinsic to bone strength for everyone, but this nutrient is especially important for women and the prevention of osteoporosis. Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium, thus also playing a major role in bone health.

~  Magnesium, Dosage: 200 mg
Stress is the top ager of the body; magnesium is an anti-stress mineral that helps regulate levels of cortisol (a stress hormone). Magnesium is also known to lower blood pressure. 
~  Multivitamin
In an ideal world, everyone would be able to fulfill their nutritional needs by eating natural foods. Unfortunately, thanks to busy schedules and the overwhelming availability of processed foods, this isn't the case. That's where multivitamins come into play. Take a multivitamin everyday to help meet your daily nutritional needs. Take half in the morning and half at night. 
Tuesday: Bust Stress

According to a recent study, Tuesday is the most stressful day of the week because most of the work is still ahead of you. For anybody who works, in or outside the home, the weight of the week's workload and to-do lists can be a heavy thought. The key to stress management is not eliminating stress, but rather, finding better ways to cope with the stress everyday life brings. Try an alternative treatment such as the ancient Chinese acupressure massage technique called the "gushing spring." This massage can help to relax and calm you while helping you focus. It's so easy – and discreet – you can even do it at the office.

Take your shoes off. Take the heel of one foot and press it against the sole of the other foot. Rub the heel into the sole. This motion generates heat at a pressure point responsible for energy and vitality. Repeat with the other foot.
Wednesday: Stop Sitting

Did you know: Every two hours of sitting increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 7% and heart disease by 25%. These are some pretty scary numbers, but there's something you can do about it: Move! Physical activity will help stave off frailty – the number-one thing that will make you old before your time. Moving more and sitting less will keep your bones strong. Sitting for hours on end is, for most people, unavoidable. If you must, here are a few sitting-to-standing exercises you can do:

Work the core. Every time you get up from your chair, don't use you hands for support. Propel yourself upward with your legs and abdominals.

Squat – at work or in your living room. Slowly lower yourself into your seat, be it your office chair or couch. Hover just above the seat and, with your legs, push back up. Repeat and feel the burn.

Thursday: Longevity Cocktail

Try something new and rethink your meals. Dr. Oz's Magical Breakfast Blaster smoothie is chockfull of essential nutrients: healthy omega-3 fats, protein, calcium, magnesium, selenium, potassium, fiber and disease-fighting antioxidants. The blueberries give it a nice purple color – which kids will love any day of the week. Start blending.
1/2 ripe banana
1/3 cup soy protein
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 tbsp flaxseed oil
1/2 tbsp honey
1 tsp psyllium seed husk
8 oz. water
Blend together. Add ice if desired. Serve.

Friday: Contact 3 Friends

Staying in touch with friends and family gives you a purpose in life. It makes you accountable to others and, likewise, makes them accountable to you. Strong social networks reduce the negative effects of stress, and friends are the best mental medicine; in certain cases, friends can help remove 90% of the aging penalty after a major life event, such as a death or divorce.
Make plans and keep them. Schedule phone calls and share how your day's been. Send emails and make every word count. Whatever the method, reach out.
Saturday, Step 1: Have Sex!
A Queens University study found that men who had sex three times a week reduce their risk of having a heart attack by half. The same likely holds true for women, though quality may be more important than quantity. The average American only has sex once a week. The goal here is to engage in two intimate encounters a week. Safe, monogamous sex helps to reduce pain and stress, and improves immunity. Sex is a natural way to feel healthier – and burn off some calories. To be a part of Dr. Oz's National Sex Experiment and bring intimacy back into your life, click here.

Saturday, Step 2: Get More Sleep
This goal is the most important anti-aging secret. The benefits of a good night's rest can not be understated. People who sleep less than 6 hours a night have an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Sleeping for as little as 6 hours can also make you crave more sugar.
The key point is to get closer to the ideal amount of sleep: 7.5 to 8 hours a night. It's important to sleep this much, because it's during the end of the sleep cycle that certain regenerative hormones are released; this phase is crucial to brain function.
Tip: Try a buckwheat pillow. The fibers inside don't crush as easily as feathers, gives you the support you need, and may help prevent wrinkles.
Click here for a step-by-step action plan that will help you get the quality sleep your body needs.
Now that you've got the first seven steps mapped out, learn how you can expand on this plan and continue to turn back the clock. 

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