Wednesday 2 May 2012

Viewers’ All-Time Favorite Tips

For the past two seasons, Dr. Oz has doled out an abundance of advice. Super-fans have written in and shared the tips that made a difference in their lives. These recommendations have helped viewers lose weight, prevent cancer and double their energy. Learn how you can follow their lead and improve your health.

The tips that follow have significantly changed viewers’ lives. Learn how these simple tasks can make a difference in yours.

1. Agave Nectar as a Sugar Substitute

Can’t stop eating the sweet stuff? It turns out there’s plenty of science to explain why. Sugar can affect your brain chemistry in the same way as cocaine and heroin. The next time that you’re craving something sweet, try using agave nectar as a natural sugar substitute. Derived from a cactus plant, agave nectar is low on the glycemic index, which means that it has only a small effect on your insulin levels and blood glucose. The honey-like consistency of agave is sweeter than table sugar, so you can use less.

2. Konjac Root to Kill Food Cravings

Konjac root comes from the Asian konjac tree. Its main component is a soluble fiber called glucomannan. This fiber slows down how quickly the stomach empties after meals and helps you feel full longer. It also leads to a lower rise in blood sugar levels after eating and suppresses the liver from making cholesterol.

You can find konjac root in supplement form and also in Shiraktaki noodles. These thin, gelatinous noodles are made from konjac fibers. They are low in calories and flavorless, making them a great addition to a soup or broth.

3. Drink Tea for Anti-Inflammatory and Metabolism-Boosting Benefits 

For centuries, tea has been used as a cure in alternative medicine. Here, a Dr. Oz viewer whipped up this recipe to maximize the benefits of teas. All these ingredients have metabolism-boosting effects. When your metabolism is increased, your body has more glucose, giving you the energy your brain and body need.
Ingredients : 

2 green tea bags
2 bags white tea 
2 dashes of each of the following:
Red cayenne pepper
Black pepper
Directions : Combine and enjoy!
4. Check Your Poop

Pooping is a natural body process, so it makes sense that changes in texture or color could have negative implications for your health. Check the color of your poop to ensure digestive health:
Brown poop of any shade is normal.
White or clay-colored poop indicates a lack of bile in the stool – which could be a sign of pancreatic cancer. 
Black poop may be indicative of bleeding in the esophagus or stomach.
Red poop may indicate bleeding in your rectum and the presence of a polyp. 

5. Learn the Signs of a Heart Attack

If you’re having a heart attack, every minute counts. Protect yourself by learning the signs and symptoms of this killer.
If you experience any of these symptoms, do not ignore them:
~  Heavy feeling in chest
~  Pain in jaw or upper back
~  Shortness of breath
~  Sweating
~  Nausea
~  Fatigue
Remember, if you think you are having a heart attack, call 911 immediately. Keep in mind that women and men experience different symptoms. 

6. Don’t Give Up on the Things you Love

Being healthy doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice the good stuff in life. David Held, a quintuple bypass survivor and former patient of Dr. Oz, is a prime example of this mentality. Italian food was always a big part of David’s life. He found a way to fix every recipe so he could still enjoy the food he loved without putting his heart and health in danger.  
Remember that moderation and choosing responsible substitutions are keys to a healthy and satisfying lifestyle

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